Creation Evidence

Creation Evidence

 Discredits Evolution

Who is God?

OK, so God exists? Now, who is He? What’s His nature? What are His attributes? Is He a God of Love? Is He an angry God? Is He passive and complacent? Has He revealed His demeanor at all? Looking at the Bible, we can understand the nature, character and attributes of God. Check them out now!

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  • God of Love: Do you want to experience the greatest relationship possible? Your Heavenly Father is offering it to you! Will you accept?
  • Personal Relationship With God: What does God want for our lives? What's the end result of everything?
  • God's Unconditional Love: God's view of love is much different than a warm gooshy feeling. Check out His definition here.
  • What Are We Here For: Can we discover our real purpose for existing in the time and place that we do?
  • Ethics Models: How do morals and ethics translate in different cultures and circumstances?
  • Biblical Garden Of Eden: Is the biblical account in Genesis credible in light of 21st century science and technology?
  • Spirit Of God: If God is Spirit, how can we relate to Him? How can we truly know He's there?
  • Good And Evil: Why would a loving God allow evil in His world? Is there a credible answer?
  • What Is The Definition Of Morality: What do universal standards of morals and ethics say about the nature of God?
  • Who Is The Holy Spirit: What do we mean when we refer to this part of God? What does the Bible say?
  • Discover Life's Meaning: Truly understanding the meaning and purpose for your life is the start of great things.
  • Who Is God: What about Zeus, Jupiter, Brahma, Allah, and Ra. Are they God? Who does God say He is? Does He differ from other gods?
  • Definition Of Original Sin: Why is this biblical doctrine so important to understanding the world around us?
  • Hebrew Names Of God: The Old Testament reveals the true nature, character and attributes of God through His Hebrew names.
  • Absolute Truth Vs. Relativism: Is right and wrong relative to our society and situation? Think about your response here.
  • Only Because Of God's Love: God's love is best represented by what He did for us through His Son, Jesus Christ.

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